What to Expect from Storytelling Online

Hint: Your passion will shine through in the most brilliant ways possible.

Gillian Sisley
4 min readMar 15, 2019
Photo by Nong Vang on Unsplash

Today, the art of storytelling is becoming more and more in demand for online marketing. This should come as no surprise, as online users have been complaining for years of how tired they are of being flat-out marketed and sold to.

They want to engage with brands who are being transparent, honest and real.

With this wave of marketing that’s taking 1st place in the online sphere, you need to adapt with the times to keep up with online users. If you don’t, you’re going to fall behind. This is just the reality of writing online— it always has been.

The best way to adapt right now? Re-evaluate your online voice, and start incorporating more of a storytelling tone to it.

If you’re onboard with doing this, you should know that your content will look a little different when you make this adjustment. Here are some examples of what to expect:

Your content’s focus will change.

I’m not saying every content theme you currently have will change, but maybe it’s time to replace an outdated theme that hasn’t been performing as well, or adding some new themes which will boost your brand’s transparency online.

An example of this would be posting a Behind-the-Scenes photo and caption of going-ons in your office and life. Or sharing an update on a current project. Or, even, being honest in a Facebook post when you hit a roadblock or obstacle.

Incorporate a theme that encourages you to be clearer about the reality of what business and life look like from where you’re working. Users respond well to honesty, and will trust your brand more forwardly for it.

A personal touch makes them feel they know you a little more intimately.

You’ll catch important things you otherwise wouldn’t have noticed.

When we tell our story, it speaks into our lives and the lives of others.

It also helps us really reflect on what has happened, what we’d like to happen, and the mistakes we made along the way.

We entrepreneurs are often accused of not reflecting enough on our businesses.

Without reflection, we’re just go-go-go, and we can miss a lot of red flags or opportunities for improvement. If we’re in a habit of storytelling in our writing, we’re naturally in a habit of reflecting. It’s definitely a healthy habit to get into. One we all can benefit from.

Your passion will shine through in the most brilliant ways possible.

If you really love what you do, and you choose to tell the story of how your business got its start, or why you stick with to this day (despite the bumps along the way), you are showcasing your passion to the world.

We can’t help but love people who love what they do. We can’t help but respect the dedication and grit it takes to run a business.

If you’re going to storytell your passion for what you do, be prepared to inspire others. There are many out there who have a true, deep passion, but who are too afraid to take that risk or jump to get there.

When you’re putting yourself out there, having taken the risk and being happy you did, you’re sharing an incredibly true and honest testimonial. You may just propel others to consider taking that risk for themselves.

You may just propel others into greatness.

But be sure to know your boundaries.

While honesty and transparency are huge assets online for businesses these days, don’t forget that any activity online should protect your brand and reputation.

There is such a thing as being too honest, or too transparent. Use your better judgement before you post, and always ask yourself,

“If I saw this post again a week, a month, or even a year from now… would I still be glad I posted it?”

Any content you put out there should be posted with best public relations practices in mind. If that fails, use your common sense, intuition, or content theme strategy for guidance.

It also never hurts to hear someone else’ opinion.

📝 Read this story later in Journal.

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Gillian Sisley

Professional Storyteller working at Meta ♾️ Tea drinker. Insatiably curious. Writing about life, relationships & building a fulfilling career for yourself! ✨